Ground Turkey Veggie Pizza
February, 23rd 2023
I created this recipe for my picky two-year-old. Most toddlers love PB&J sandwiches and nuggets! For a tasty change of pace try this Ground Turkey Veggie pizza! This easy recipe is perfect for lunch or dinner. I cannot speak for all toddlers, but my small fry has become quite the picky eater. She went on a “no meat” strike this past summer. Recently she started eating fish sticks, chicken, and now turkey again! If you’ve seen my recent Instagram post, I made broccoli and chicken quesadillas for my toddler, and she loved it! I wanted to try my luck again by making pizza using the same chopping technique with broccoli and bell peppers. I should also mention the ingredients I used were super cheap. We recently welcomed our second daughter in December. As a new mom of two, I don’t have time to make homemade pizza dough, a premade pizza crust works just fine! I quickly whipped up two small pizzas, which my husband ate! I was subjected to making a third. Ah! Yes, I should mention this recipe is for kids and adults.
Ready In:
30 mins
# of Ingredients:
Good For:
Lunch, Dinner
I didn’t use much measuring with this recipe considering how small my pizza crusts were. The following ingredients can be used on any size pizza crust. I chopped the broccoli and bell pepper small then sautéing until the texture was soft. To my surprise my daughter liked it. She did notice the bell pepper on her pizza and even picked up a few pieces while eating. The bottom line, she didn’t throw it to the side. I would consider this a small win!

Keep the seasoning simple, or add other flavors you like. I seasoned my ground Turkey with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Sometimes I find ground turkey very bland when other people cook it. This is one of those situations where you MUST use your judgment when seasoning to taste. You can always add more when sautéing the meat later.

Salt (to taste)
Ground Pepper(to taste)
1 Orange Bell Pepper
1 Head Of Broccoli
Marinara Sauce
Olive Oil
Shredded Mozzarella
Premade Pizza Crust
Step by Step Instructions
6. Add pizza sauce and smooth out the sauce with the back of a spoon. Sprinkle a layer of mozzarella cheese. Add toppings. Top with more mozzarella. Bake pizza for the minimum amount of time indicated on the package.